The third Intersessional Meeting to the Convention on Cluster Munitions took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 15 to 18 April 2013.
Session and statements:
Technical workshops (Monday 15 April):
10:00-11:30: Technical workshop Clearance
11:30-13:00: Technical workshop Stockpile destruction
14:00-15:00: Technical workshop Reporting
15:00-16:30: Technical workshop Victim assistance
16:30-18:00: Technical workshop Cooperation and assistance
Intersessional Meeting:
Opening of the meeting
General status and operations – Transparency measures
General status and operations – National implementation measures
Victim assistance
Cooperation and assistance
Clearance and risk reduction
Stockpile destruction and retention
General status and operations – Consultations
General status and operations – Compliance
General status and operations – Preparations for the 4MSP by President-designate
Relevant documents:
Participants list
– Draft working paper: Compliance with Article 4 of the CCM
– Draft decisions on the establishment of an ISU at the 4MSP
Agenda & side events:
Programme of work: Technical workshops, Intersessional Meeting CCM and side events
Draft annotated programme of work: Intersessional Meeting & technical workshops
Invitation letter:
From the Presidency:
Invitation CCM Intersessionals 2013
From the Coordinators:
Cooperation and assistance
Reporting (annual)
Reporting (initial)
Stockpile destruction