UK destroy last stockpiled cluster munition

On 17th December 2013, UK completed destruction of its stockpiled cluster munitions, 5 years ahead of the mandated timeline. Its becomes the 17th States Parties completing this obligation. As of today, there are 17 States Parties with obligations under Article 3 of the CCM.

Macedonia Completes Stockpile Destruction

On 25th October 2013 the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYR Macedonia)
completed destruction of its stockpiled cluster munitions, becoming the 16th States Parties completing this obligation. As of today, there are 18 States Parties with obligations under Article 3 of the CCM.

Visit to Serbia and FYR Macedonia by the President of the 3MSP

Ambassador Kongstad meets representatives from civil society in Beograd

Ambassador Kongstad, together with representatives from the Norwegian Embassy in Beograd, meets civil society representatives Jelena Vicentic and Branislav Kapetanovic. Photo (c) Ingunn Vatne/Norwegian MFA

From 12-15 May 2013, the President of the Third Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Ambassador Steffen Kongstad made a visit to Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The visit was occasioned by a Workshop in Skopje on the Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, organised by RACVIAC, the Government Office for Mine Action of the Republic of Croatia, the Norwegian People’s Aid and the Ministry of Defence of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Continue reading

Iraq ratifies the CCM

As the 83th State to ratify the CCM, Iraq will become a State Party on 1 November 2013. The instrument of ratification deposited at the UNSG in New York is available here.

Bolivia ratifies the CCM

As the 82th State to ratify the CCM, Bolivia will become a State Party on 1 October 2013. The instrument of ratification deposited at the UNSG in New York is available here.

Andorra ratifies the CCM

As the 81th State to ratify the CCM, Andorra will become a State Party on 1 October 2013. The instrument of ratification deposited at the UNSG in New York is available here.

Chad ratifies the CCM

As the 80th State to ratify the CCM, Chad will become a State Party on 1 September 2013. The instrument of ratification deposited at the UNSG in New York is available here.