Denmark completes stockpile destruction

On 20th March 2014, Denmark completed destruction of its stockpiled cluster munitions, several years ahead of the mandated timeline, becoming the 18th States Parties completing this obligation. As of today, there are 16 States Parties with obligations under Article 3 of the CCM.

Click HERE for more information

The President of the 4MSP CCM has conngratulated Denmark for this achievement. The letter is available HERE.

Use of cluster muniitons in South Sudan condemned by the President of the 4MSP

14 February 2014,

It is with great alarm and disappointment that we have learnt of the use of Cluster Munitions in the continued unrest in South Sudan as reported by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). As President of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, I wish to urge all parties in the dispute to exercise restraint and refrain from their use. Continue reading

Message from the President of the 4MSP to the United Kingdom completing Article 3 of the CCM

On 14 January,M. Wylbur C. Simuusa, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Zambia and President of the Fourth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions delivered a message of congratulations to the United Kingdom on the occasion of the completion of Article 3 of the CCM.
Message from the President of the 4MSP to the CCM

UK destroy last stockpiled cluster munition

On 17th December 2013, UK completed destruction of its stockpiled cluster munitions, 5 years ahead of the mandated timeline. Its becomes the 17th States Parties completing this obligation. As of today, there are 17 States Parties with obligations under Article 3 of the CCM.

Macedonia Completes Stockpile Destruction

On 25th October 2013 the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYR Macedonia)
completed destruction of its stockpiled cluster munitions, becoming the 16th States Parties completing this obligation. As of today, there are 18 States Parties with obligations under Article 3 of the CCM.