Day 4: Cooperation and assistance

Friend: South Africa

The President called on the distinguished delegate of South Africa in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to cooperation and assistance in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention.

States Parties and signatories seeking assistance were encouraged to provide an update on the measures they are taking to facilitate the provision of assistance by other States and to promote cooperation between States and other actors giving and receiving assistance.
Under this agenda item, States Parties in a position to provide assistance were encouraged to respond to the needs and gaps identified by States in the preceding sessions on victim assistance, clearance, stockpile destruction and risk reduction. Other delegations were also invited to present.


Statement by Germany
Statement by Spain
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Australia
Statement by Sweden
Statement by United Kingdom
Statement by Cote d’Ivoire
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Norway
Statement by Mozambique
Statement by Japan
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Mexico
Statement by IFRCRCS
Statement by GICHD
Statement by UNDP
Statement by UNMAS
Statement by CMC