Costa Rica condena el uso de municiones en racimo en Yemen

Costa Rica, como Presidencia de la Quinta Reunión de los Estados Parte de la Convención para la Prohibición de Municiones en Racimo, expresa su firme condena al uso de municiones de racimo en la provincia de Saada en Yemen, según denunció el pasado 3 de mayo la organización defensora de los derechos humanos Human Rights Watch, la cual indicó que la coalición encabezada por Arabia Saudita ha utilizado municiones de racimo en la ofensiva militar contra los rebeldes hutíes. Continue reading

The Mission of Costa Rica in Geneva and Costa Rican football players join their voice against cluster munitions

CCM Evian

The Ambassador of Costa Rica to the UN agencies in Geneva, Elayne Whyte, along with the football players of the team Evian Thonon Gaillard FC, Yeltsin Tejeda and David Ramirez, join their voices to contribute to education and outreach on the consequences of cluster munitions. These have killed more than 100,000 people in 23 countries, 98 percent of the deaths have been civilians. Continue reading

Costa Rica launches a call to reach 100 States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions in 2015.

In celebrating the sixth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica and Chairman of the Meeting of States Parties, Mr. Manuel González Sanz, issued a call to reach a total of 100 States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions before the First Review Conference, to be held in Croatia in September 2015. Continue reading