Friend: Australia
The President called on the distinguished delegate of Australia in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to clearance and the destruction of cluster munitions remnants and risk education.
States Parties and observer States that are affected by cluster munition remnants were encouraged to provide an update on their plans, priorities and progress towards clearance and risk education.
Delegations also highlighted the resource requirements and possible gaps and the challenges they may face in meeting their obligations under Article 4. Furthermore, delegations were invited to provide views on the implementation of Article 4 and to raise points concerning the development of new technologies in the field of cluster munitions clearance.
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Afghanistan
Statement by Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Congo
Statement by Ireland
Statement by Norway
Statement by Germany
Statement by Sudan
Statement by ITF
Statement by GICHD
Statement by UNMAS
Statement by CMC