What does the Convention say?
Article 7 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions requires that States Parties report on their implementation of obligations under the Convention.
States Parties are obliged to report on types, numbers and characteristics of cluster munitions within their jurisdiction and control, as well as progress on stockpile destruction. States Parties must also report on cluster munition contaminated areas, as well as plans and progress for clearance. Furthermore, States Parties are asked to account for their programmes of risk education and assistance to victims of cluster munitions. Finally, States Parties have to present and justify national resources allocated to the implementation of the Convention, as well as assistance provided through Article 6 of the Convention.
The first report shall be submitted to the Secretary-General of the UN no later than 180 days after entry into force of the Convention for each State Party. Subsequent updates shall be provided annually by 30 April of each year. Annual reports cover progress made during the calendar year (January to December). Report templates are available in all 6 UN languages here.
To date, 9 States Parties have overdue Initial Transparency Reports:
Cabo Verde, Comoros, Congo, Guinea, Madagascar, Niue, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Togo. |
The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) collects and publishes the transparency reports here.
What next?
In terms of transparency measures, the Lausanne Action Plan encourages States Parties to:
- provide initial and annual transparency reports within the deadlines set in Article 7 of the Convention;
- submit an Article 7 report each year, when implementing obligations under Article 3 or 4, or retaining or transferring cluster munitions in line with Article 3.6 and 3.7;
- use the adapted reporting form after its adoption at the Tenth Meeting of States Parties (10MSP); and
- seek support from relevant partners in the preparation or compilation of their Article 7 reports, if in need of such assistance.