Work Programme


06 November 2nd Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
25 September 1rst Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee (Norwegian’s Presidency)
11-14 September 3rd Meeting of States Parties to the CCM
27 June 9th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
18 June Open-ended information meeting on the 3MSP
  28-30 May Accra Regional Conference on the Universalization of the CCM
 15-18 May Croatia Regional Workshop on the Implementation of the CCM
 26 April 8th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
16-19 April     Intersessional Meeting 2012
12 April 7th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
27 March 6th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
29 February Open-ended consultations on CCM ISU
27 February 5th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
03 February Open Briefing of the Presidency on the ISU Mandate
24 January 4th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
 13 December  3rd Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
 08 November 2nd Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
 29 September 1rst Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
 27-30 June Intersessional Meeting of the CCM