2012 | |
06 November | 2nd Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
25 September | 1rst Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee (Norwegian’s Presidency) |
11-14 September | 3rd Meeting of States Parties to the CCM |
27 June | 9th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
18 June | Open-ended information meeting on the 3MSP |
28-30 May | Accra Regional Conference on the Universalization of the CCM |
15-18 May | Croatia Regional Workshop on the Implementation of the CCM |
26 April | 8th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
16-19 April | Intersessional Meeting 2012 |
12 April | 7th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
27 March | 6th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
29 February | Open-ended consultations on CCM ISU |
27 February | 5th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
03 February | Open Briefing of the Presidency on the ISU Mandate |
24 January | 4th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
2011 | |
13 December | 3rd Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
08 November | 2nd Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
29 September | 1rst Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee |
27-30 June | Intersessional Meeting of the CCM |