Stockpile destruction

This section contains information about activities implemented by past and present Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention.

November 2021

Concept Note by Australia and Bulgaria, CCM Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention, on advancing the implementation of Article 3, guided by Actions 12-17 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 10th Meeting of States Parties (10MSP) to be held in Geneva in August/September 2022.

January 2020

Concept Note by Australia and Austria, CCM Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 2 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the Second Review Conference (2RC), to be held in November 2020.

November 2018

Concept Note by Austria and Mozambique, CCM Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 2 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 9th Meeting of States Parties (9MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2019.

September 2018

Croatia and Mozambique produced and submitted the Article 3 – Declaration of Compliance document, which was adopted at the 8MSP.

5 September 2018

During the 8th Meeting of States Parties, Article 3 Coordinators, Croatia and Mozambique, moderated a side event on Stockpile Destruction: CCM Article 3 – Progress and Challenges organized by Norwegian People’s Aid and Human Rights Watch.

December 2017

Concept Note by Croatia and Mozambique, CCM Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 2 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 8th Meeting of States Parties (8MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2018.

November 2016

Concept Note by Croatia and Mexico, CCM Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 2 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 7th Meeting of States Parties (7MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2017.