The 2012 CCM Intersessional Meeting took place from 16-19 April 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Sessions and statements:
Day 1: Opening of the Meeting
Day 1: General status and operation of the Convention
Day 1: Universalization
Day 1: Victim assistance
Day 2: Clearance and risk reduction
Day 2: Cooperation and assistance
Day 3: Stockpile destruction and retention
Day 3: Transparency measures
Day 3: National implementation measures
Day 4: Compliance
Day 4: Wrap-up session
Day 4: Presentation of the President-Designate on preprations for the 3MSP
Day 4: Closure of the Meeting
Relevant Documents:
Agenda & side events:
Provisional programme of work
Draft detailed provisional programme
Side events calendar
Papers for comments and inputs:
President’s Draft Working Paper on the Implementation Support Unit
Possible Elements for a Draft Decision on the CCM ISU
Invitiation letters:
From the Preidency:
Invitation CCM Intersessionals 2012
From the Coordinators:
International cooperation and assistance
National implementation measures
Stockpile destruction and retention
Clearance and risk reduction
Victim assistance